Camouflage is a gripping, dystopian thriller in which we follow the story of office clerk Amouf. Amouf desperately tries to hold his life together while the world around him gets darker and darker. A brutal regime systematically prosecutes certain groups. Amouf is not a brave character, is he strong enough to offer resitance?
in production
Director: Remco Polman |
Writer: Jantiene de Kroon, Remco Polman |
Producer: Jantiene de Kroon |
Production company: Mooves |
Animator: Marlyn Spaaij a.o. |
Title: Camouflage |
Duration: 19 min |
Country: NL, BE |
In the summer of 2018 I worked as an animator on this dystopian short film, directed by Remco Polman and produced by Jantiene de Kroon. I was in charge of designing and animating the dogs, which was really fun. I love puppies, also the scary ones.
It had been a while since I last animated on a film and I was pleased to discover that focusing on storyboards for a while had had actually improved my animation skills. I found it much easier to pick the needed key drawings. So hurray for working quick and trying to get away with the least amount of drawings possible.